种好种基金会(Sow Good Seeds Foundation ) 开拓神的国度。愿意集中力量做四件事工:

1. 帮助资源缺乏的华人教会传福音,扩充神的国度。(包括中国,台湾,东南亚,美国,中南美洲,欧洲)

2. 支援财务缺乏的贫困地区的传道人,好让他们专心以祈祷传道为重。

3. 补助传道人的儿女教育经费,不要因贫穷不能受到好的教育,与职业训练。

4. 支持优秀的传道人/神学生到国外接受神学教育,日後回家乡教导纯正的福音。

同工不支薪,机构不抽费用,不举办募款会,IRS 501(c)(3) 认可 , Federal Tax ID# (EIN) 82-1973537.捐款可抵美国联邦税.奉献可寄到以下地址

Sow Good Seeds Foundation

414 Casa Loma Ct. San Jose, CA 95129

电邮: [email protected]

网站: www.sowgoodseeds.org

电话: 510 825-8842

Sow Good Seeds Foundation (SGS)


Develop and support faithful servants of Jesus Christ

Statement of faith

  • The Holy Scriptures: We believe that the original manuscripts of the entire Old and New Testament Scriptures are plenarily inspired by God. The Scriptures reveal God’s will for mankind and is the supreme standard for the Christian’s faith and practices.
  • The Godhead: We believe in the only true God, the Being without an equal who exists in three Persons of One essence: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in status, power and glory, the Creator of all things in the universe, the infinite and perfect, true Supreme Being, from eternity to eternity.
  • God the Father: We believe that God is the Heavenly Father of all believers. He is Spirit, Light, the Life, and Love; He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient; He is holy, righteous, and merciful. Man’s life, breath and very existence are entirely dependent on Him.
  • God the Son: We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Word Incarnate, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified to death, shedding His blood for the remission of the sins of man; He rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into Heaven, and will come again to judge the world and to establish His Kingdom. He is the redeeming Savior of Mankind.
  • God the Holy Spirit: We believe in the Holy Spirit who is a different Personality. The Holy Spirit convicts sinners, leading them to repentance and the new birth. He guides the believer into the truth. He is the Comforter who dwells forever in the heart of every believer.
  • Man: We believe that man was originally created in the image and likeness of God. Through disobedience, man sinned and was separated from God. Thus, death came to all men. To become a child of God, a person must be convicted by the Holy Spirit, repent from his sin and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He is then born again, and is the recipient of salvation. Being justified through faith, he has peace with God.
  • The Church: We believe that the Church was established by God before the foundation of the world. Christ is her supreme head and all the believers are united together as members of His holy body in the fellowship of the Lord, in the spreading of the Gospel here and abroad, and in the winning of mankind to Christ, while awaiting the early appearance of the Kingdom of God.

Goal and Plan

A. Establish a Non-profit Religious organization in California to do mission to people in North America, Asia, Europe, South America to share gospel, and train disciples.

B. Work with local churches in evangelism, English camps, and discipleship training.

C. Provide financial support for the needed God’s servants.

D. Assist potential young students to study in USA.

Financial Planning

Raise fund as endowment from people of the same vision. SGS is registered with IRS section 501(c)(3) as a Non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. No staff members receive paychecks. No overhead for SGS Foundation. No fund raising activities. All the financial resources will be used to fulfill the goals and needs of the above mentioned ministries.

General Manager: Chunlei Wang

Board members: James Sun, Calvin Pan, Andrew Yu, Chunlei Wang, Yijing Wen, Philip Zhou.

Sow Good Seeds Foundation (SGS)
414 Casa Loma Ct. San Jose, CA 95129